St. John the Evangelist

Written By Blake Plympton


Yesterday we observed the life of a saint who was a Deacon. Today we observe the life of an apostle. Yesterday, we admired a young man who stood up for his faith and was martyred. Today, we observe the life of an Apostle who wrote a gospel, three epistles, and Revelation. Stephen lived a much shorter life than John because of his martyrdom. John lived a full life, dying of old age. It might seem odd that we would have such contrasting saints right next to each other. On the other hand, they complement one another very well. I want to focus on two things about the life of John today.

          First, I want to consider the long, faithful life that John lived. After reflecting on this myself a bit, it seems almost fitting to have these extremes. See, John did not suffer any less than Stephen for his faith. As an apostle, there were many of times he would suffer arm in arm with Jesus as he was challenged by the Jewish authorities. Then, after Jesus had ascended to heaven, John continued his work as an Apostle, preaching, teaching, writing, and evangelizing, all the while enduring beatings, imprisonment, and being exiled for his faith.

          There is something to be said about those who live long faithful lives serving our Lord. Think about the many people that they get to minister to in their many days -- all the wonderful conversations with others about how they are seeing God move in their lives or the world. The coffees, meals, conversations that would include people confessing their sins with one another. The potential families that would be raised- biological or adopted. There are countless ways that a person ministers to others through a long life.

As a younger person in a smaller church, I am surrounded by a great multitude of witnesses that have lived long lives of faith. It is this group of people that has encouraged me the most and have shaped me deeply in my faith. In the past, I have always been in small groups or serving alongside those that were younger than me or the same age. When I joined Living Faith, I was immediately surrounded by many people who were much older than I was. It was then I realized I had much to learn and gain from those much older than me.

          The second area of John’s life that I want to highlight is his understanding of the Biblical story, of which we get a full picture through his writings. He makes it clear in his gospel that:

·        Jesus was the Word in the beginning that created all things.

·        This word came down to us in human form and was named Jesus.

·        He was the long-awaited messiah and came to fulfil the Law and the prophets.


At the same time, John points to the coming kingdom of God which will include all nations, tongues, and languages where saints will gather worshiping the Lord.

          Through all the writings of John, we see that God has always wanted all his people to be included in the story of salvation. It is this inclusion that gives us the impetus to proclaim the gospel to all people. So, for as long as we may live, let us live faithful lives that proclaim the gospel to all people everywhere.

Questions for Reflection

1.      Take some time to think about people who were older than you and passed on the faith. What did they teach you? What are you grateful for?

2.      Who would you say is the young person in your life to whom you are ministering?

3.      What does it look like to proclaim the gospel to all generations? What do you think they need to hear?

Collect (BCP 2019, P.625)

Shed upon your Church, O Lord, the brightness of your light; that we, being illumined by the teaching of your apostle and evangelist John, may so walk in the light of your truth, that at length we may attain to the fullness of eternal life; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.





Blake Plympton