Mitego Parish/Rwanda Partnership
Our Sister Parish Story: Mitego
In 2023, Living Faith began a new sister parish partnership with Mitego Parish, a rural congregation within Kigeme Diocese, under Bishop Assiel. Mitego Parish is led by Pastor Merard, and includes 1000 members. Our inaugural visit will take place in April 2023, as Fr. Peter travels to Rwanda for GAFCON and to spend several days with the people of Mitego. The future of our partnership will include much prayer, visits to Mitego, and financial contributions towards the ministry of the congregatoin in terms of building development, care for the poor, and training for clergy/lay leaders.
Our Mitego Team oversees this special relationship, and helps us stay connected to our brothers and sisters there. In order to support the partnership, the Mitego Team puts on one major fundraiser for Mitego Parish each Spring.
Our First Sister Parish Story: Taba (2006-2022)
In 2006, Living Faith was gifted the spiritual oversight of AMIA (Anglican Missions in America) and Archbishop Kolini of Rwanda. He proposed the idea of partnering Rwandan parishes with United States churches, such that they become sisters, helping one another for mutual benefit. A team from Living Faith travelled to Rwanda and visited several districts, villages, and parishes. After much prayer we were partnered with the small, remote parish of Taba in the Diocese of Kigeme. Living Faith partnered with Taba Parish from 2006 to 2022, when Taba Parish became a part of the new Nyaruguru Diocese. Over those 16 years, the people of Taba prayed for us, showed us hospitality, and encouraged us in our faith. The people of Living Faith prayed for them, visited them in Rwanda, and gave generously to support the ministry in that parish. Over the years, Taba Parish allowed Living Faith the privilege of helping them accomplish the following:
Put a roof on their church building so they could worship year-round.
A water-catchment system was put on that roof, to ease the clean water gathering process.
Goats, cows, and chickens were gifted to improve the nutrition and economic viability of families.
Seed packets and shovels were given to moms of young children so that they could plant and gather fresh produce daily.
School uniforms, school fees, and porridge for hungry school children have been given.
In 2019, a three room preschool building was built.
In 2020, as the pandemic occurred, funds were directed to food for starving families.
In August 2022, a team of four from Living Faith worshipped with Taba Parish for the last time, though we continue to hold this partnership in our hearts.
Taba Parish, Rwanda