The Gospel compels us to build bridges to those around us in order to help them encounter the goodness of God. As a church we participate in several outreach endeavors in our local community and around the world.
Alpha is a multiweek course that creates space where people come to discuss life’s big questions. Every course has three things in common: dinner, a video talk, and good conversation.
Supporting Global Missionaries
We seek to support those global missionaries within our own congregation, and to develop new relationships with mission to the unreached. This includes partnerships with organizations like Frontiers.
Guadalupe Neighborhood Development
The work in Guadalupe Arizona is based on the philosophy of Neighborhood Transformation. Guadalupe is a small town completely surrounded by the Phoenix metropolitan area; populated by descendants of Mexican Native American refugees fleeing persecution at the turn of the 19th century. The town was settled in 1904. The town is considered a tribal area although it is a town, not a reservation. The people struggle with the same challenges as many tribal areas in the United States - very low incomes and poor educational opportunities. Only ~ 50% of the children will graduate high school and less than 5% of the town has any level of college education. We work with people in the community that want to help improve Guadalupe. We have done after-school tutoring and ran a preschool in the past. Currently, we are doing weekly Bible classes with some families and children. Guadalupe is one of the very few Christian tribes in the United States and the people in the community wish to teach their children more about the Jesus they follow. We welcome people that want to learn more about Guadalupe and our friends there as well as help them improve the education of their children. for more information, visit www.azneighborhoodtransformation.com.
AZNT and the Guadalupe Learning Lab are led by Jeff Bisgrove who is also a part of Living Faith. You can reach Jeff at jeffmbisgrove@me.com or (602) 653-9996.
Anglican Campus Fellowship (ASU)
ACF is a fellowship of University students of Anglican persuasion, with a divine passion to so disciple them that they would then make disciples of others as commanded by our Lord in the Great Commission. Our mission field is primarily the Arizona State University, said to be the largest in the US and the world, with a student population of over one hundred thousand students, in its four campuses that includes around fourteen thousand internationals from around 139 nations of the world. Our activities include Bible Studies and Alpha course in the University premises, church plant in and near the University, led by students, hands on training to make disciples who will then make disciples of others.
ACF is led by Fr. Ernest and Lalitha Victor who are also a part of Living Faith.
Anglican Relief and Development Fund (ADRF)
Through ARDF, you support leaders working with Anglican Churches around the globe. Your dollars go only to projects that have been desired, developed, and designed by the local community and every project proposal undergoes thorough research by an independent third party to ensure that it will be effective and sustainable over the long term. See more on their website: https://ardf.org
C3: Campus Christian Center (ASU)
The Campus Christian Center (C3) is home to 30 Christian ministries to Arizona State University. Located at 1034 S. Mill Ave., C3 is across the street from the largest university in the United States, with 60,000 students on the Tempe campus alone. And the world has come to ASU, with 13,000 international students from 130 nations, more than any other public university in the nation. Ten of the ministries meeting at C3 are focused on these students, bringing wonderful ethnic diversity. For more information, see www.c3tempe.org.
C3 is led by Ben and Sarah Sanders who are a part of Living Faith.
Arizona / Africa Ministry
The African Students Forum (ASF) is a ministry of the International Students Club providing a friendly meeting point and environment to students for Interaction, Learning skills, Cultural Exchange, Spiritual Encounter, Leadership Development, Achievement & Success Celebrations and Relevance Preparations for impacting Society here in America and back in Africa!
ASF is led by Emmanuel and Mabel Chijindu who moved here from Nigeria to lead this ministry. Both Emmanuel and Mabel are a part of Living Faith.
Feed My Starving Children (FMSC)
Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) is a Christian non-profit that provides nutritionally complete meals specifically formulated for malnourished children. FMSC opened a permanent pack site in Tempe, Arizona in 2011. In 2015, the Tempe packing site moved to a much bigger facility in Mesa, Arizona. They have sent food to over 70 countries in the world. Over half of FMSC volunteers are under the age of 18. Volunteers as young as 5 years old are welcome to pack, making it a fantastic way for children to help children. In 2015, more than 1 million volunteers joined FMSC to package nearly 273 million meals for children around the world. Each meal costs less than $0.25 to produce.
With the support of the Evangelism team, LFAC's first packing session as FMSC was in May 2013 and since then we have tried to do at least one session a year with around 20 volunteers per session. We have, for the most part, fully funded each session that LFAC have participated in, so not only have we brought volunteers to pack the food but we've fundraised and paid for the meals we've packed too, which is phenomenal.
Compassionate care for refugees
We desire to share Christ’s love with the refugees resettled in Phoenix (especially in the East Valley) in partnership with organizations like Abounding Service, Phoenix Refugee Connections, and GoTEN.
Julie and Ken Moser: Missionaries to Amsterdam
In May 2022, Ken and Julie are moving to Amsterdam, NL where Ken will teach Youth Ministry and Christian Education at Tyndale Theological Seminary. The mission of Tyndale is “Focusing on Europe, Reaching the World.”
Julie and Ken’s passion is teaching the good news of Jesus to the next generation (Psalm 78:4-7) and equipping others to faithfully teach the scriptures to young people. Their main focus is on helping the local church to move away from an attractional, entertainment-based approach to youth ministry to one that grows young people in their relationship with God and each other.
Students come from all over the world for post-graduate ministry education (Master of Divinity and Master of Evangelical Theology.) The reach of Tyndale around the world through its students is very exciting, and to be able to minister through the local church in Europe, one of the most spiritually needy places in the world, is an incredible opportunity for the gospel.
Good ShepHErd Anglican Church
We partner with Good Shepherd Anglican Church in Mesa to help them bring the Gospel to many Senior Residencies throughout the Valley. See more on their website below
Our Vision is to see every member of every church sacrificially serving in their world as Jesus served in His.
The Harvest Foundation is part of the Church, the Body of Christ. We believe Christ has called us to equip local churches to witness God’s great love through humble and sacrificial service with local resources.
We seek to train local church leaders to disciple their members to both individually and corporately live out the Gospel in their families, in their churches and in their communities.
sojourner Ministries
Sojourner Ministries seeks to empower students to walk the journey of faith in Christ with restful prayer, Bible discussion, and theological study on everyday topics.
Contact Benjamin Bisgrove at sirbyzgrove@icloud.com for more information.
Choices pregnancy centers phoenix
Choices Pregnancy Centers of Phoenix (“CPC”) is a non-profit organization established to help combat the strong abortion industry, in reaching women who are struggling with an unplanned pregnancy. CPC is an alternative to abortion – assisting women by providing prenatal care and post birth support. CPC also provides medical testing, premarital classes, parenting classes, and post-abortion counseling, all the while providing a Christian witness to its clients.
Learn more by visiting the CPC Website or contact Harry Stanford at church.