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Worship Service Teams
Serve as a Sacristan, Lector, Acolyte, Tech Booth Volunteer, Greeter/Usher, Intercessor, Musician, or Hospitality Volunteer!
Children’s Ministry
Serve as a Storyteller, help provide supervision as a Doorkeeper, or care for infants/toddlers in the Nursery.
Every Sunday at the 10:15 AM service
Youth Ministry
Lead Discussions, plan Games, or provide Food.
Youth Nights are on 1st and 3rd Sundays at 6 PM.
Be a part of the Outreach Team, or serve in any of our outreach ministry areas
Be a part of the Mitego Team, or serve through our Mitego fundraisers. We love Mitego Parish in Rwanda!
Be a part of the Facility Team, or volunteer around the property.
Front Desk Volunteers
Serve at the front desk of our office for three hours on any of the days we’re open (Mon-Thur. from 9 AM-12 PM)
Dcn. Blake (Office Manager) oversees our front desk volunteers.
The Pumpkin Patch
Every October we run the Living Faith Pumpkin Patch to support outreach ministries and ministries here in our church.
Can I serve?
Generally speaking, all those who are baptized Christians and attending regularly are able to serve.
There are a few exceptions:
Lay leadership roles (Vestry, Ministry Director, Small Group Leaders, Pastoral Care Team) require church membership and Confirmation.
Children’s and Youth Volunteers require FBI background checks and child safety training.
Intercessors must be approved by Fr. Peter.