The Feast of St. Thomas

December 21, 2022

Written by Blake Plympton


Caravaggio, c. 1601-1602

          Today, we celebrate one of the Apostle’s: St. Thomas. It might surprise you that we do not know very much about this Apostle. Very little is mentioned about Thomas in the Bible. For instance, although we get specific stories of how Jesus picked his disciples, Thomas is only ever mentioned among the list of them (Matthew 10:2-4; Mark 3:14-19; and Luke 6:13-16). Yet, almost every Christian would recognize him as “Doubting Thomas” because of his very few words spoken. The only time we have record of Thomas speaking up is in the Gospel of John. He is the one who calls the disciples together halfheartedly to head back to Judea with Jesus where Lazarus had passed (John 11:5-16) and then we see him speaking again when all the disciples had gathered after Jesus appeared (John 20:24-29).

          Thomas was not there when Jesus appeared to the disciples the first time. So, when the other disciples said they had seen Jesus, he doubted them. Hence where he gets the name “Doubting Thomas.” It was eight days after Jesus had appeared to him them that they were meeting, and Jesus appears again. It is here that Thomas is confronted with the risen Lord and able to dispel his doubts.

          One of the reasons I believe we remember this Apostle’s name so well is because we have all been in the shoes of Thomas at one point or another. Where we sometimes hit a wall with our faith and begin to doubt. We wonder if the things we have been told are true for so long are just that: true.

          If you did not know, I grew up in the Assemblies of God church. This is a Pentecostal tradition that believes in the work of the spirit. There are about a half dozen crazy stories that I could tell you in my time there, but overall, it was a wonderful experience and led me to much deeper faith. I will never forget one of those moments.

As an early teenager, I remember sitting in church and our pastor announcing that there was a baby in our church born. The church was about 500 people, so it was normal that new babies were born. However, this baby was different. When she was born, her legs were facing backwards. Not just her feet, but her whole leg. The doctors proposed surgery to the family, but they wanted time to think. In the meantime, my pastor and other prayer warriors gathered around the baby and began praying.

The next Sunday would shape my faith for the rest of my life. Before our worship begin, our pastor stood in front of us and gave us an update. Over the course of the next 5 minutes that he talked to us about all the people praying over the course of the week and the updates he received from the parents. Picture after picture showed up on the screen and each one showed the legs of this little baby girl physically rotating back to their normal selves. It was in that moment I believed God could heal anything.

It is inevitable that we will face doubt in our lives. We might have good reason to doubt people in our lives based on their actions or words. Even by what other people tell us about those people. But when we doubt our faith, we can rely on the foundation of believers that have been there before us. Those who have passed on the faith to us. We can also take those doubts and fears to our resurrected Lord and savior, Jesus. The same one who appeared to Thomas, confronted his doubts, and dispelled them.


Questions for Reflection

1.      What doubts do you still have about your own faith?

2.      How do you tend to handle those doubts?

3.      What would it look like to bring those doubts to Jesus?

a.      Jesus is the living word, so do not be surprised if the Spirit gives you a word to contemplate or draws you to scripture that might have answers you are looking for.

4.      How can you begin to let others into those doubts?

5.      What doubts have you had in the past that Jesus has helped you overcome?

Collect for St. Thomas (BCP 2019, p.624)

Everliving God, you strengthened your apostle Thomas with firm and certain faith in your Son’s resurrection: Grant us so perfectly and without doubt to believe in Jesus Christ, our Lord and our God, that our faith may never be found wanting in your sight; through him who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

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