Tech Booth Training

 Welcome to the tech booth training hub! This is where we will be posting all of our tech training pieces. This will include both audio and video training. It is our hope that this information will help guide and train you to help us have a smooth, meaningful, beautiful, distraction-free, worship service. We will continue to update this as the training manuals are completed and put together. Additionally, video trainings will be added here as well as they are completed. Make sure you are signed up as a tech volunteer to get updates!

Click on the pictures to download the manual.


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The video on the right will go over the presentation software and allow you to understand important components to how the software works.


Audio Training: overview and expetations

In this part of the manual, you will be able to view the expectations that we have for our volunteers. We want to make sure that you are fully prepared to serve on our team and answer any questions that you might have.

Audio Training: Level 0

In Level 0, you will have a complete introduction to sound. This will go over some sound basics such as terminology, a general sense of how sound works, and some important things to consider for our space. Below this area, you will find some videos on YouTube that will be some great additional resources for you.

Level 0.png

Audio Training: Level 1

Level 1 will cover everything that a beginner on the sound board will need to know. This section of material will cover: setting levels, muting and unmuting, setting monitor/bus levels, balancing the sound, and controlling live stream audio. This is the basics for someone who is wanting to serve on the soundboard on a Sunday morning but does not feel comfortable learning more or taking on more advanced material.

Audio Training: Level 2

This is the final level of the training course! The last training provided a lot of steps and knowledge of the board and how to use it given our current system. It is important to know what buttons to push and faders to slide in order to feel confident behind the board. Level 2 training will go into more detail with technical terms and understanding the innerworkings of sound.

Audio training: Level 3

This is the last step of all the training. I do not expect many of you to make it this far, but I am excited for all of you that do. Level 3 might be the most unnecessary on a weekly basis but would be good for anyone who would want to get more into sound engineering. This training would cover: Subgroups, sound effects (FX), Equalizing (EQ), gates, compressors, and more. If you are just loving working on a sound board